At any rate, this weekend instead of staying here and doing what I ought to be doing (cleaning, repairing, pruning, sorting out the gate between our property and the neighbors etc) I decided we really needed to get out, blow it off and forget it all for awhile.
A few weeks back at Ravelry, I'd stumbled across a Gippsland group of knitters and spinners and among this I'd found a link to a woman who'd had a stall of lovely yarns at the Gembrook market when we first moved in and I'd not been able to find since as I didn't recall her name. As it turns out she now has a stall at the Melbourne Art Market which I'd not been to in awhile so it was a perfect excuse - especially as we didn't get to go to the Bendigo show as Nic had 'found' a kangaroo the hard way with my car the day before!
So we went and enjoyed the market and a nice day, aside from La having a meltdown tantrum because Nic insisted we didn't need to bring the pram for him to ride in and then was annoyed when La wanted to touch things and grabbed his hand. Of course any excuse for pictures is a good one, so...

Lily wanted a feed we sat down and watched the little water birds drying their wings after diving in.

And I spoiled myself a bit...
(bottom) 200g 8 ply Hawthorne Cottage English Leicester/Corriedale in lovely flame colours which will make a nice pair of pants for Miss Lily
(middle) 100 g 4 ply Ixchel Bunny sock yarn hand dyed Blue Faced Leicester and Angora with natural dyes for socks for myself
(top) 55g Ixchel Bunny lace weight hand dyed australian Cashmere/Merino lace weight for a lacey wrap for myself
I also got a nice contact for spinning classes and hopefully can make it to one of the nights where they sell second hand spinning wheels, so I can try a few out and decide which I want before I buy.

After we stopped in Fed Square and split a smoothie. La was most impressed with the later, being a rather rare treat and was so engrossed in it he wouldn't even look up for a picture. I also spent most of the day thanking heavens for slings because Lily was able to snooze, people watch and feed in it without trouble or having to stop.

We'd initially planned on training it in which La was very excited about but took the car as we'd gotten a late start on the day. So we ended up taking one of the city circle trams to China Town and having some nibblies instead. La was ever so slightly thrilled and even Lily was quite amused with the lattice and lights on the ceiling of the trams.

Unrelated to this I've joined a KAL for cloths which is fun. I've churned out two independent of it - this one of a duck in green for La and a white one with a bunny I've not been able to get a good picture of yet, as well as plans for this breastfeeding logo one. They're quick, easy, practical knits to turn out while feeding Lily and watching tv in the evenings. :)

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