"She's Illie Lilypillie, the pilliest of pies! My little pretty pillie piekins, illie lilypie! Chubba-bubba-boo, my Lily-cockatoo, my pretty little possom, a dandle bird baa-bu!"

Pure, sheer nonsense... nauseatingly silly, really I know. It gets me the biggest grins, gurgles and baby belly laughs though!

"You so FUNNY momma!"

La of course wants his picture taken with "his Illiepillie" and affects the most horrible cheeseball grin he can, much to his my annoyance. (He has such a beautiful natural smile... must we really do the obnoxiously fakey one?)

"Here Lily, let me impart to you my most dastardly of superpowers - the ability to make something blurry in every shot mum takes no matter how quick she is!"
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