Today was the rally protesting the legislation which will make hiring a private practice independent midwife to attend women at homebirths illegal if it passes as it stands. Around 300 people gathered outside of Nicola Roxton's office to protest as well as to leave calling cards with her. For anyone who doesn't know, Ms Roxton is the Health Minister. All in all it was a very positive gathering, with Family First senator Steve Fielding pledging support to the rights of women to homebirth. Apparently before the rally he had spoken with a group in one of their homes - how is that for government who cares! He was also set to have a meeting with Ms. Roxton after the rally, so hopefully that has further positive impact as well.

One of the awesome signs!

A few shots showing some of the crowd

And a bit more, including one of the cameramen (in red on the left) who was filming for television

The senator receiving a lot of applause for what he had to say.

Laurent wanted to get in on the action... including his biggest fakey "I realize a camera is pointed in my direction" cheeze wiz grin!

The box full of calling cards, being taken into Nicola Roxton's office

And being handed over

And these are a couple of shots of our primary midwife, Andrea, having a cuddle with miss Lily. ;-) A rather good advertisement for homebirth if ever I saw one!
Looks like fun was had by young and young at heart! This is what I've been saying was needed right from the get go! So happy to see it actually happen, even though I couldn't get there myself.
Thanks for reporting on this event. I like your perspective on it.
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