My little miss turned two... that seems very hard to believe as it really does (cliche aside) seem like only just a tiny little while ago that I was sitting here typing up
the post annoucing her arrival a few hours after her birth. Time has literally flown with her - she was an easy pregnancy with an
easy-peasie birth who later proved to be an easy baby and one thing just seems to flow into the next with her till she's become my easy, sunny kid. Mind you she knows her own mind and if you manage to actually rile her she's got a temper that's spectacular to witness and a stuborn streak a country mile wide!
Her birthday itself was a quiet one as she's not been well nor have I. But even sick we got a few smiles... sorry for pic quality, this is off my mobile.

Instead we celebrated a few days after with a lovely day of just mum and Lily (and dogs of course)

Before having her birthday picnic at Emerald Lake Park

And of course, the cake... it doesn't quite show it but it's choc with turquoise and orange.

Happy second birthday to my gorgeous girl!
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