From L-R: Pipsqueek, Punkin, Peach and Possum
Bebe #1 Pipsqueek - we started solids this week and Pipsqueek has proven to follow his trend of loving his grub a little too much... straight into the middle of the bowl and tucking in with serious intent. We may have to alter his name to just Sqeek or Pip if he ends up tooooooo pudgy!

Bebe #2 - Possum, our teeny little lad... he's such a quiet little guy but I think he's rather clever. While his siblings are pushing around for the food like little piggies he just waits till they're done and I put fresh stuff down to eat without getting jostled!

Bebe #3 Punkin - I know it's not the best framed shot but it just cracks me up. Punkin is proving to be Pipsqueek's little shadow. Wherever Pipsqueek waddles first - and at this point it is waddling and wobbling rather than walking - after a brief think about things Punkin is right off after him.

Bebe #4 - Peachie-pie! Not one to be outdone she is just as adventurous as Pipsqueek but also likes to stick near her mumma. That can make it hard to decide if she should run off to explore or follow mum back in for a nap! LOL

Post photos... it's hard work being a model! Zzzzzz...

Pictures brought to you courtesy of our local friendly Puddin Wrangler, La.

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