One thing I'd not mentioned which was rather momentous for us was
adopting Nilla a husbun! Beautiful Master Buttons, a little black lop
boy was who she seemed to get along with best at the animal shelter and
he is just the cutest little man and I just love him to bits. They had a short period bonding before being able to be free-range housebuns full time together. :)
In October we had Laurent's sixth birthday. He was very chuffed to
actually get me to go to a restaurant - Lord of the Fries at Chaddy - and get to
order his meal all by himself. He was especially pleased as turning six
means he's allowed to transition to the "Big Kids Class" at school,
from the Cycle One class (which is ages 3-6) to Cycle 2 (which is 6-12
year olds). 
We had a very busy few months after this first with three of the dogs ingesting a mycotoxin, which is suspected to be residue from a bit of rubbish (fast food wrapper or some bit of food) that was tossed on the roadside and blew into the yard. The long story short, when they went out to potty they ate something (nothing was identified in their stomachs during pumping aside from a small amount of white powder in Kiah) and after about 45 mins inside were in dire straights having massive seizures and requiring a week at the vets. Hope was the worst off, seizing for about 8 hours and requiring 2 generals and other medications to get under control. Even then we spent the week waiting to find out of there would be permanent neurological damage. Thank goodness there wasn't and all three girls are back to their usual happy bouncy selves as if nothing had happened. The downside was we had a nice big fat vet bill resulting!
Then not a short while later Laurent was grabbing his schoolbag from the car leaning over the seat and knocked the car into gear. Car went forward, La went flying... end result was the poor kid had a 5-6cm gash in his forehead all the way through and required plastic surgery to fix. The car ended up being stopped when it rolled into a tree in our driveway, leaving it needing 'surgery' as well.
Thankfully everything has been a bit boring since then! Hopie was able to go back to agility training not too long after and will be back to her first flyball comp soon too! :D
I've been doing a fair bit of garden work and the rainbow bridge garden has been really rewarding me for last year because all my little roses are blooming!

Christmas was quiet... we just spent the day at home opening prezzies, playing with prezzies and lounging around. As you can see - it was rough! LOL The kids and critters all had fun with their prezzies though, which is the point of it all.

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