Worked a bit more on this lad. He's acrylics on 10x12" (25.4x30.5cm) canvas panel. Still early days yet but at least he's not *quite* as flat as he was anyway.

A new one started the other day... second and third layers of mumma cow having a sweet moment with her bubba. (First layer is just a light wash of pale goldytan to get rid of white canvas.) Acrylic on 4x6" (13x18cm) canvas. The glare in the upper right corner is just camera as some colours are more matte or glossy than others. Deviated from pure Zorn palette by adding pthalo blue here.

The base of another I started working the other day. I like starting new ones. LOL I have another of Sierra and one of Hope already planned... to be fair I do work on them all at the same time as I don't do wet-on-wet, so I go from one canvas to another as they use similarish colour mixes and there's no sense wasting paint while waiting for the first to dry enough to do the next bit on. Leo is a blue merle Collie Rough owned by one of my flyball teammates. Collie fur is proving surprisingly different than Aussie coat and I've had to totally change brushes to get the start effect of his longer ruff.
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