Gibbs is the most outgoing, the one into everything and a bit of a talker. He's happy for a cuddle but too interested in exploring everything to stay still for long. He's the first one our resident kitty Jasper has decided is fun to play with.

Ziva like Gibbs is a very adventurous little one. She's a champion climber and out wrestles her brothers frequently and even plays spitfire to the dogs, hissing and arching her back while they fail to notice her. LOL

Abby is a sweetie, quite cuddly but she also loves to explore all the nooks and crannies. She is an absolute sweetie and one of La's favorites to nab for pats.

And then there's Duckie... last but certainly not least, just the hardest to get a good photo of as he is lap fungus... LOL He's blissed out and purring here, straight in the middle of my lap as I'm trying to take photos and hold Lily.
Having them here as well as being privy to another rescue a few days before theirs has been such a blessing, it's lovely to remember that amid all of the sad occurrences, sometimes things go right despite the odds and there are happy endings.
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