Saturday we had the birth plan meeting, then puttered here and snapped some photos. Sunday morning I attended a talk on training. Came home, watched La and dogs playing, snapped photos, put them in the back area. All the girls stood up as I latched the gate to their yard. Pats, fingers in soft fur, snuffles as cold noses looked for remaining treat-molecules on my fingers, happy girlies. We walked down the road toward the neighbors. Cami-jo found a spot still moist from the rain under the rhododendrons. Dug into the front yard. Front yard is also fenced. If that's all that happened we'd have had a shock when we came back and re-secured the yard but things would have been so different. Instead someone opened the gate to the driveway. They ran her over, carried her up to our porch and left closing the gate behind them. We found her a few minutes later. Calls, emergency vet, got back, heard update from them around midnight? one AM? More phone calls in the morning. La wants to take bandaids for Jo, so the doctor can make her better - "Hopie can find lots of big, good bandaids". Monday just after noon she went to the Rainbow Bridge. Tuesday I brought her home for the last time.

Past few days I tried to keep busy. ASCV meeting. Writing. Agility tonight, Hope is so lovely at it despite her handler. Now everyone is asleep and it's quiet. I'm sitting here looking at the photos. The ones that were supposed to be a 'bad things happen but there's still a lot to be grateful for'. True or not it's a hollow sentiment.

I will write more properly on Cami but right now every time I start looking through her photos it's just a bit much and I wouldn't do her justice. I've not really been online much lately either, just sort of flicking on and just not really in the mood for much of much or feeling chatty so flicking back off again so appologies everyone, I'm not ignoring you.
Oh I am so sad for you all.... such an awful thing to have happen.. and after such a bad run.... thinking of you all...
Oh no...I have no words...
Dear Amanda, my heart is breaking into a million pieces. Too sad and incredibly unfair.
Dear Amanda, my heart is breaking into a million pieces. Too sad and incredibly unfair.
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