We had been looking for a kitty for a little while when we heard of this fellows litter. We'd been looking for a male who'd be on the large side who hadn't been born outdoors and outside all it's life, happy to live with rowdy dogs and small children as well as enjoy keeping any mice from thinking our house might be a nice place to set up house. These guys promised to fit the bill on all accounts so it was just a matter of waiting for them to be old enough to be vaxed, neutered and microchipped. Today the little guys were ready to meet us and this is the little fellow who came home.

We're thinking he may end up dubbed Jasper (we're remarkably original...) unless sometime in the next few days it really doesn't suit him. As you can see he's not much fussed by the whole moving houses gig. This was shot on my lap in the car as I was petting him and he was purring and rolling to give me better access to a sweet spot. He's currently sprawled limp as a noodle in my lap sound asleep, so more photos will have to wait till tomorrow.
nawww - too cute! Is he one of Kate's Norwegies?!
LOL Got it in one! Although apparently four of the kittens in this litter had a short-hair gene so they won't be as hugely fluffy as the average Wegie. Just as full of purrs though.:)
I love reading your blog and your photos are just beautiful. You have the kind of life I would love - animals, countryside etc. Hope the new kitty has settled in well.
Is this a Norwegian Forest Cat? I had one of those!!! A girl, called Mjasa (pronounced Meowsa - yeah, we're very original too). She was the sweetest thing (she was tri-coloured, not ginger)...
Yep - he is a Norwegian. :-) They are remarkably popular among people who own Aussie Shepherds here. The difference is this fellow has inherited a not commonly seen short-haired gene variant, so he'll not be as fluffy as the average Norwegian. I like your kitties name Sif, I'd thought about going with something a bit more authentic but I'd be worried about bodging it. As it is, La is already calling the kitten Jasp-berger or Cheeseburger... ~_~;
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