3D view, profile of bubbas head

Curled up squidge, head on the right facing up
La is mildly disappointed there weren't puppy babies in there too but is happy his second choice - a sister - was granted. Also makes me feel much better as I've managed to avoid looking like an utter nutter given the amount of 'girls' clothing I've bought since just before this bub was actually conceived on the basis that I felt that while I would have prefered number two be boy I was going to get a girl... :P Nic, who'd wanted a little girl from the start, is also happy.
Awww, she's very cute!!!
I have a few girlie things here that you may or may not like to have... They're your's if you want them :)...
Ooooh, I'm trying to imagine a female version of La, and I just can't, rofl!!! Can't wait to meet her!
Congratulations! I had a 'feeling' this one would be a girlie :p. You guys must be thrilled :)
LOL The 3D images on the video looks very much like La's video at the same age, which his scan did actually look fairly recognizably like a less chubby, vernix covered version of him at birth so maybe they will look quite alike? LOL I should hunt up pictures of me as a baby, apparently Nic reckons he looks like me with shorter darker hair in the pics so a feminine version of La would look like me as well. Girl clothes would be most excellent as well! :D :D
Amanda, actually I was pretty sure this one was going to be a girl from the start as well. LOL And yeah, we're pretty thrilled!
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