After breakfast I was presented with two cards. L insisted HIS card be given first because it was painted with "trees an' birdies an' chooks" so obviously much better. Ah, the aplomb and tact of a 2.5 year old!

The afternoon was spent off plant nursery-hopping around Olinda/Kalorama/Mt Evenlyn and winding up with lunch at Kuranga's Paperbark Cafe. Then we came home with a thoroughly flopped Lala, curled up with some divine warm rice pudding and a tea and did the usual bits of evening. It's really striking me lately how I can't really call him a toddler anymore... it took me a long time to be able to call him a toddler and now he's gone and changed again! But it's such a charming little person he's turning into I can't mind it in the least... ;-)
But to prove some things don't change so much - for bedtime, I've got a sleeping little boy in my arms, snuggled up as I write. At 2.5 he often takes himself to bed by grabbing one of us and requesteding to go to bed. He did this tonight as well but then woke and came trundling back out, clambered into my lap, curled up head against my heart and fell promptly asleep. I wish I could get a picture of him - not my little bubba alseep in my arms but my little boy.

In a hollow tree at Kuranga

Bench surfing cheeky monkey child!
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