We went to watch the herding at KCC today and I bought Verity and Hope with me to watch. Was good to watch without having to do as I find sometimes when actually doing it you can't see the things you can just by watching as you're too busy doing to look objectively!
I'd been entered in the Bairnsdale & District show but since I found out yesterday I'd be the only Aussie Shepherd there today, I decided not to go. I could have gone and got the 6 points I suppose but it just doesn't seem like a very nice way to go about it... I suppose I'd feel differently if I showed up and was the only one, then it'd feel like poor sportsmanship to walk away but to go knowing for sure I'd be the only one felt like a canned hunt. Turned out very nice, I had a good day watching the herding and we won a small bag of dog food the dogs reckon are great training treats in the raffle, so I'm happy.
At the ASCV meeting last month they'd mentioned they needed people to scribe and such, which was mentioned as a great way to learn more since you get to hear the judges thoughts as you help them and why they rank or demerit something the way they did. Unfortunately they didn't need so much in the way of help today, despite a good turnout. So instead we watched the dogs and handlers trying to learn as much as possible that way, I clucked over baby C who is crawling and pulling himself up amid giggling at everything (he makes me want another baby every time I see him! LOL) and talked to Glen to see about getting some dog broke sheep to start Verity on as opposed to the mums here who offer to stomp and head-butt! ;-p We actually had a new ewe lamb born to the last purple tag girl today, she's so small, especially compared to Boofhead the first lamb.

Check this out! Boofhead the big lug who is a week and a bit old now and the new little ewe! (Now you know why Boofhead has stuck as a name!)

And while I took her up to check her out, La wanted a cuddle. She has to be the most docile of our lambs... she just say there while he patted and cuddled her.

After pulling her up for a cuddle, he pats her on the head like the dogs! PMSL!

And just a random shot of the sheepies out grazing with lambs and Clancy the alpaca on the far left.
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