This morning he was sitting in the carseat and chirped, "Mum, one tuck, two tuck!" Quick check and yes, he'd counted as two trucks had went past. He did it again on the drive home. "Mum ONE tuck!" Yup. Just the one. A moment later, he spotted another one and chriped, "More! One tuck!" A little while down the road he spotted two together and chirped, "Mum TWO tucks! One, two! TWO TUCKS!" It's likely he is thinking perhaps 1 is single, 2 is anything more than 1, with 3 or 4 simply meaning "lots!" as 22 months is young but it's interesting to hear him using it fairly contextually correctly!

I also snapped this shot today. I was *trying* to get a photo of him with our lovely rhodenderons. It's one of many but the only one blooming at the moment. Suffice to say he was NOT cooperating, hopping down from the chair as quickly as I could ploink him upon it, so I only managed to get one. I didn't notice at the time that the angle I caught him on makes his face look rather elvin, his ears rather pointy and his hair was blown up into a little pixie peak by the winds!
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