Six white wooly and VERY VERY pregnant sheep, delievered by their owners today.
They aren't mine as such but will be boarding here for a year which is great for me. The alpaca is to arrive next weekend, didn't fit in the trailer with them. Hopefully he arrives before lambs start arriving or I'll have to be watching very close for foxes to ensure we don't loose any lambs. A few of the ewes look set to burst so I'm guessing we may have some twins - but their bags aren't full so remarkably they've got a bit to go before lambing. Their owner will be back so I can get his vet details etc tomorrow as the neighbors calves have busted into my paddock AGAIN and torn up the support post so this guy is going to bring a wire-stretcher-thingo to get it good and secure. Nic tried to go tell Mr. Talbot (owner of said buggering calves) but Mr. Talbot has what looks to be a Heeler-Kelpie mix who was distinctly eager to relieve Nic of excess body parts should he step foot onto their property and so Nic decided to wait till we see him in the fields.
Another bit of good news, I finally located a cockrel to go with my hens! Now I just have to drive to BENALLA to get him! X-o

Just a quick one from the day. Still feeling a bit on the lousy side of things but La was having fun!
Ooh you'll have spring lambs!! How cute! I'll have to bring the kids out to see them when they're born :)
I just watched Landline and thought of you. there was a segment on these ladies who had a business in Tassie called "In Sheep's Clothing" and they bred Romney sheep (black and white ones) and they used natural wool and made natural coloured jumpers that used mixed colours to produce merle wool.
It was really interesting their little microfarm (only 100 sheep with a shearing span of 12 years each - 4 being their optiumum colour age)...
Ah,have found my way back to your blog again...
Can I just say, this is an old pic (relatively) but eeeek, it looks like Nic is about to bang La's head into the arm of the couch!
Meanwhile, awwwww, it looks so perty out where you live, I've got to get out there one day soon!!!
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