Now, I have no paid work, no college, one class and a toddler who manages to ensure I get relatively little else done. I look back at that list and wonder if I was ever that organized and had that much time?!? I have a dozen things to do tonight still and I am far too exhausted to do them.
Laurent got into some dairy a few days back and has been alternating between not sleeping and wailing most of the time since. Once again, I had a sleepless night - every few minutes he was up and unsettled. He nursed for 2-3 hours at a time, tossing and turning. He woke up this morning half-awake and half-asleep, whimpering and sobbing any time I tried to unlatch him from nursing. He spent all morning needing physical contact, curling up in my lap and holding my hand against his chest. Napped for 2.5 hrs (!) curled on top of me, whimpering any time I tried to move away. Was so upset when being set down that I put him in the sling for the rest of the day. (Shameless plug: no baby should come without a sling so go buy one from Jayne!)
I did however manage to FINALLY find a kiddie table and chairs for La! I've been looking for one since Christmas but had a hard time finding one that was wood, good quality, non-character-emblazoned and looked like furniture (ie no funky shapes, weird angles, outlandish colours) and NOT $350! Finally found this one which La loves!

Some pics from the past few days. Have been so lazy about taking shots!

Not the best shot cuz I fudged up but I love the expressions!

"CHARRRRGGEEE!!!" Typical park shot, happens every time he sees someone walking a dog. I keep having to dash after him and tell him we can't pet strange doggies without asking because some doggies might be scared. Which of course he doesn't get. *sigh*

Last but not least, a pretty duck I saw, which I'll look up exactly what it is later. He was splashing about having a great time!
Random mention: I love Colin Hay's Overkill... I've seriously got to teach my dog to slow down enough to use that beat!
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