The indoor venue at the fairgrounds was nice as we got to stay in the shade instead of bake in the sun, the buildings had a nice cross-breeze going and weren't too echoy either. The judge, Mrs. J Hunt from Canada, was exactly the sort of judge I wanted for Hope's introduction to the show ring - lovely woman, nice soft hands, said hello to Hope before examining her and was very kind and gentle with her. While I've worked a bit on getting Hope used to the odd things she might encounter... people who might be rough or slip, may wear big hats, sunglasses, dangly necklaces/jingling bracelets, flappy raincoats and the other sometimes intimidating/odd stuff... I didn't want her to have to deal with it her very first time out. Just the environment is enough to get used to for the first time with dogs and people and grooming equipment and trollys everywhere!
At any rate, she got first in her class but it was rather default though we got a pretty blue ribbon for it. Didn't go further than that as the BP Dog (an unspeakably cute little blue merle ball of fluff!) won that. She handled it so well though, I'm really just tickled pink with my girlie! Next shows will be the 3rd and 4th of Feb at the Pet Expo and we can't wait to have fun again! (I will say though, I'm in total envy of the people who've got the trollys with the grooming tables on them... those are nice - I want one! And the big pin brush I saw... nice!) I'm including a couple photos from the day, but unfortunately most of them didn't come out well!

And of course my bubbly bubby Lala...

Co-sleeping bliss! ;-)

"Filling" the dog's water dish... just so!

Bubby Lala pretends to squirt me! (Hose is OFF! LOL)

My gardening help

Looking a lot more innocent than he is considering 3 seconds later he turned on the hose at full blast...

And Mister Cheeky Boy helping me with the house-work by riding on the vac!
hey well done with your win!!! WTG Hope! Looking forward to seeing you at the pet expo :). BTW - Was the fuzzy blue dog Jezza? From Ana's latest Ellagant litter?
Well I don't think we could have flubbed it up if we tried but thank you all the same! Such a hoot! Both babies ended up kissing the judge! lol
I'm actually very ashamed to say I didn't catch the little blue boys name. I was too busy falling all over his fuzzy little self and figured I'd look in my catalogue after - which would have worked if N hadn't LOST IT! X-O *sigh* Ah well.
Looking forward to drooling over Leo this weekend! Is Kinta entered as well or no?
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