One of my new favorite photos! My three hooligans and my squidgey bubba! (holy heck is Hope big! Where'd my puppy go?!?)

One of Bunny Lala with Nic

I decided to take Laurent out to explore the rocks a bit and get a closer look at several of the plants which were surrounding the falls. I saw some very interesting ones that I'm trying to figure out the names of.

Laurent exploring one of the little pools made where the water was rushing over the rocks

Watching the moorhens and their chicks, chanting "ere! ere! ERE!" (there!) excitedly. He is in love with pointing out birds at the moment. Even the (umpteen million) pigeons in the city warrant pointing out... LOL

A quick shot of a red-rump... they're a bit special to us as they're a bird we saw outside the hospital when Laurent was born, which is unusual in down-town Melbourne! We took it as a sign Nic's mum was keeping watch over us, in the form of a little birdie. ;-)

A curious rainbow lorikeet who flew down to have a chatter and a nibble of the bush.

And obviously NOT at the park but a neat shot Nic took of me and Lala Christmas morning.
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