Heaps of photos from Jayne's today!

And a whole bunch of Sienna and Jayne. You can tell neither of us get the chance to shoot a little girl often as we went a bit nuts... I do have a few other ones that may have come out (can't tell if they're blurry yet) but my camera battery is recharging and I can't process anything till it is. I'll post them privately if they do come out as Liam's streaking in the backgrounds.

OMFG! I CAN NOT believe Luey climbed up on that cross beam! Where the hell was I??? (did anyone tell him to get down???) He could have bloody killed himself (he won't be going out there without me again for a while, that's for sure!).
The rest of the photos are great! Especially like the ones where S is looking down at the camera, great angle!!!
Sif, I think you'd gone in to get Bryn at the time? I saw when Erik hollered to Nic, me and Jayne. Nic had the camera and was focusing at the slide when I heard Erik and turned with Luey part way out. I think Jayne and I both said something and he turned around but no one yelled because we didn't want to freak the kids out and maybe have him start to panic. Nic grabbed the pic as he (Luey) was turning around. You came out and said Bryn had been crying fairly soon after.
Oooh they are SO gorgous Amanda thanks so much!!! I might get you to email a few to me, so I can print them :D Do u mind if I steal a few now to scrap? hehe. And yup Sif we did tell him to get down, he was fine, though I can totlaly see why you'd be scared :(
Oh and lol at Liam the streaker :D I'll edit that out and post some on my blog ;) with full credit to you as the photographer of course ;-)
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