Madam has decided that now that she's one, she needs to get onto this whole upright mobility gig. Having discovered she CAN, she has been pulling herself up on everything lately and flinging herself into a standing position though it only lasts about 0.001 nanoseconds before gravity takes effect. She's also taken to walking on all fours, like Mowgli in the Jungle Book which is hilarious!

She is her mothers child - loves all animals but ESPECIALLY the dogs. She adores Sierra! Si enjoys him well enough but doesn't seek him out for it the way Hope does but appears to love Lily and will fling herself at her feet, roll over and nudge her hands for pats. Lily loves crawling up to Si and wrapping herself into her for a big hug with the biggest grins around. They really do make my heart melt!

Her party was this past Sunday, with a number of friends coming over and celebrating with us! Thanks to Sif, Jayne, Ro, Paige and of course their respective husbands and children alike for helping make the day a special one! She was well spoiled between them with gorgeous little dresses, pants and shirts, as well as a little knitted dolly she took to with huge smiles and a pull along lamb - hehe people know us very well here!

Various people having chats and snacks. :)

The cake comes in... it was an orange bunny.

Little madam is just not that impressed with this whole cake business!

I helped her have her own turn, albeit it mostly involve shaking a stick and being rather cute vs going for the pinata. Paige's son Joshua was the hero who finally knocked the lollies loose!

And this was the part Lily was interested in! Sitting on her nice rainbow chair and pulling bits of paper to nosh!

Ahhhh now THIS is what the cake was missing - a bit of dirt marinade!

We've also had a little guest this week, who has been so much fun! I can't believe how much I've missed puppy breath and fluffy snuggles... oh there is just nothing quite as lovely as fresh new life is there?

Little miss whispy locks!

And this is her gift from mum and dad, a silver pendant with green amethyst (prasiolite) and citrine. For her brothers first birthday we bought him a labradorite pendant so we wanted to continue the tradition. Green amethyst is said to represent the heart, inner peace, balance and harmony, nature, consecration and concentration, self-respect and well-being. Citrine represents ones personal power, abundance, prosperity, generosity, creativity, stability, energy, comfort, optimism, confidence that will not hold any negative energy.

She looks so cute wearing it!

I will write a more proper post on how everything is going when I'm not quite so tired and scatterbrained! LOL